Clementi Ave 6 traffic jam due to obstacle on road


Clementi Ave 6 - Exit AYE [towards Tuas]

Posted on Wed, 25 Oct 2017

Yesterday, I was randomly checking out Traffico home page when it reported a congestion along Clementi Ave 6 - Exit AYE (towards Tuas) at around 1:10pm.

Is that true? Fortunately, there is a traffic camera [Source: LTA] pointing at that exit so I was able to investigate further.

LTA traffic camera shows congestion along AYE (towards Tuas) exit towards clemeti ave 6 Traffic Camera

Traffico shows heavy traffic along AYE (towards Tuas) exit towards clemeti ave 6 Traffico

See the green double decker bus stuck at the exit? In fact, Traffico might be monitoring the arrival time of that exact bus!

I also found another source to confirm the news. LTA actually reported an obstacle as early as 11:50am. [Source: LTA]

LTA traffic news reports ’24/10 11:50 Obstacle on AYE (towards Tuas) at Clementi Ave 6 Exit with congestion till Clementi Ave 2 Exit’

I then monitored the situation closely. Notice the buildup of traffic shown (below the word Jurong) in those traffic camera images.

LTA traffic camera shows congestion along AYE (towards Tuas) exit towards clemeti ave 6 Traffic Camera

Traffico shows heavy traffic along AYE (towards Tuas) exit towards clemeti ave 6 Traffico

LTA traffic camera shows congestion along AYE (towards Tuas) exit towards clemeti ave 6 Traffic Camera

Traffico shows heavy traffic along AYE (towards Tuas) exit towards clemeti ave 6 Traffico

LTA traffic camera shows congestion along AYE (towards Tuas) exit towards clemeti ave 6 Traffic Camera

Traffico shows heavy traffic along AYE (towards Tuas) exit towards clemeti ave 6 Traffico

LTA traffic camera shows congestion along AYE (towards Tuas) exit towards clemeti ave 6 Traffic Camera

Traffico shows heavy traffic along AYE (towards Tuas) exit towards clemeti ave 6 Traffico

LTA traffic camera shows smooth traffic along AYE (towards Tuas) exit towards clemeti ave 6 Traffic Camera

Traffico shows smooth traffic along AYE (towards Tuas) exit towards clemeti ave 6 Traffico

By 5:30pm, the congestion has eased.

Around 8pm, the congestion was reported in The Straits Times [Source: The Straits Times].

The Straits Times reports traffic jam on aye after clement exit closes due to spilt paint from lorry

This morning, I did further checks on my historical data. It might be interesting to know that throughout the first 3 weeks of October, there had been zero congestion along this stretch of road until the day before.

Traffico chart shows a congestion on 24 oct 2017 at 11:31am for 353 mins

As you can see from the chart, Traffico reported a congestion even earlier around 11:31am and this went on for about 353 mins. That is about 6 hours (estimated) and the congestion was over by 5:30pm!